The Concordia Core Value

康考迪亚核心课程以文科为中心, 路德教会教育的基础和标志. At its heart, an education in the liberal arts was designed to prepare citizens for an active life of Christian public service by providing a set of disciplines that work together to educate the whole person, 通向美德和坚强品格的生活. 文科教育为你成为公民做准备,如果与之搭配的话 your major, gives you the skills necessary to live your vocation and be successful in today’s dynamic society.

The promise

康考迪亚核心课程是一个独特的 undergraduate experience 这是我们以基督为中心的知识界的核心. We talk about values and Truth, beauty and goodness, 怜悯和公义,培养成熟的基督徒学生,使他们成为负责任的公民, faithful neighbors, and talented employees. This is accomplished through an intentional emphasis on foundational texts in literature and philosophy, 与历史和艺术的接触, 对科学的可能性和局限性的探索, 以及对基督教十大正规赌博平台大全排行的了解. 除了这些关键的基础, 学生将获得分析和说服的工具, 对人性的希望和缺点的理解, learn about other cultures, 并努力应对自治的必要性. 以文科(可以粗略地翻译为自由教育)为基础, 康考迪亚大学的核心课程承诺为学生提供知识, skills, and habits that will empower them to be successful not only in their years at Concordia and in their chosen major, 但在毕业后也融入了他们的职业.

这门课善于培养新生的批判性思维, analyzing information, problem solving, and most importantly how to DISCUSS all of these former points respectfully with the goal of bettering humanity.

/ Concordia Student


康考迪亚核心课程围绕六个核心主题组织. 在采取这个主题而不是更部门的方法, the core seeks to stress the connections or bridges across disciplines while valuing the knowledge within the disciplines. 这六个主题(及其描述)是:

Experience the Concordia Core

在解决这些跨学科的主题,康考迪亚核心分为两个部分 Concordia Common Core (18 credits) and the Liberal Arts Dimensions (27 credits).

The Concordia Common Core

The Concordia Common Core includes six classes unique to our University; two that focus on our relationship with God; two that focus on our relationship and understanding of the past; and two that focus on our relationship to the present and the future, 向他人和我们的世界表达. The courses are:

Liberal Arts Dimensions

The Liberal Arts Dimensions are comprised of three credits from the Theology department that must be completed at Concordia University, while the remaining eight classes are spread among the interdisciplinary core themes: Society and Culture, 人类的创造力和表达能力, the Natural World, Human Beings and Being Human, and Communication and Language. 学生可以选择与专业相关的课程,也可以根据自己的兴趣选择课程. 这些类可以通过 转学分,AP或CLEP考试, or through 高中双学分课程.


  • Evicted
  • What the Eyes Can’t See
  • Frankenstein
  • 科学革命的结构 selections
  • Philosophy of Science – selections
  • The Apology; The Crito – Plato
  • Confessions – Book II
  • City of God – selections
  • Two Treatises of Government – selections
  • The Idea of a University – selection
  • Democracy in America - selections

I liked this class the most because it was able to make a good connection between my faith and worldly scientific concepts. It allowed me to think deeper about how Christians should handle talking about science and what has/hasn’t been proven to be true.

/ Concordia Student